Vol. 24 No. 7
- Solstice Card Contest Winners Announced
- FFRF Awards $4,100 to Winning College Essayists
- FFRF Awards $4,900 in Scholarships to College-Bound High School Seniors
- FFRF:VA Is Largest Faith-based Healthcare Provider
- FFRF Objection Nixes Prayer at Remembrance
- FFRF Protests Jesus Flyers Sent Home with Schoolchildren
- Indiana Officially Drops Chaplain Post
- First-Ever Nontheist Billboard Goes Up!
- Freethought Radio Goes National in October!
- FFRF Presence at Fighting Bob Fest
- In Their Own Words
- The Color Purple: Dan Barker
- The Evolution of an Outlaw, or How I Became a Freethinker: Danielle Jones-Pruitt
- Veritism: Morgan Grossman-McKee
- Religion: An Unnecessary and Contradictory Ingredient to Morality: Amy Ionadi
- The Problem of Evil: Barbara G. Walker
- Rescuing the Perishing: By Mary Peterson
- Christian Schools for the Damned: Carrie Louise Nutt
- Thou Shalt Not Confuse Religion With Morality: Olga Galchenko