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Please note – very important:
- If you purchase a gift membership (or multiple memberships) along with other items in the store, all non-membership items will be sent to you unless you specify otherwise in the customer notes section at checkout.
- You must provide: Recipient Email Address, Name, Mailing Address, City, State, and Zip Code. If you don’t have this recipient information, please do not purchase a gift membership.
Annual membership supports FFRF’s hard-working office, our educational and legal work, and includes: Ten issues a year of Freethought Today newspaper fully reporting on FFRF actions and news, as well as “Private Line” (a twice-yearly insider report on the Foundation). Members may vote at the annual convention. All dues and donations are deductible for income-tax purposes. Life, Afterlife and Beyond Afterlife memberships are for individuals who wish to support FFRF for a lifetime (no renewal notices). Gift memberships for individuals outside of the United States are available at the U.S. domestic rate as digital only memberships: FFRF’s newspaper, Freethought Today, and other materials will be sent via email. Delivery of materials via U.S.P.S outside of the U.S. requires additional costs to cover postage. Rates are available here.