Vol. 27 No. 10
- Court hears Obama Day of Prayer appeal
- All soldiers aren’t Christian
- FFRF legal team busy defending Constitution
- Beaten for protesting prayer
- New Phoenix-area chapter kicks off
- FFRF is takin’ it to the streets
- ’Tis the season
- Reason (v.) to think coherently, logically
- Six-word journeys to nonbelief
- Why members deconverted
- Busiest year ever for legal staff
- A revolutionary evolutionary — James F. Crow
- Fictional Jesus got him in trouble
- Eminent geneticist rejects gods, devils: Professor James Crowe
- Dan Debates
- He fixes ailing cities: Joseph L. Harris
- Now’s when we really need Jefferson: Lt. Gov. Barbara Lawton
- Stark accepts Emperor Award
- Edith Maria’s‘Good and Human rules’ for life
- If the spirit moves you
- High school’s annual ‘field trip’ to Freethought Hall
- Sharing the Crank Mail
- Yes, Virginia, there is an Establishment Clause
- Why so many Africans are religious: Leo Igwe
- Good news for freethought
- Fictional Jesus got him in trouble: Sawyer Frey