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Reason (v.) to think coherently, logically

It’s Reason’s Greetings from Raleigh, N.C., where FFRF and its local chapter, the Triangle Freethought Society, placed this 14×48-foot billboard Dec. 9 at Capital Boulevard on Highway 401 for a month.

“The Triangle Freethought Society chose this particular sign because it has a great message that works on many levels,” said Mark Zumbach, chapter director. “It’s humorous, and it offers good tidings, similar to Season’s Greetings or Happy Holidays. And it serves as a reminder of the value of reason, a tool that enables progress and civility in our society.”

Dan Barker, Foundation co-president, added, “No month is free from pagan reverie! The greeting is a reminder of the real reason for the season — the Winter Solstice.”

Since launching a national campaign in October 2007, FFRF has placed billboards in about half of U.S. states and 45 cities. Thanks to Todd Stiefel for contributing about half the costs of the billboard, to Amy Glenn for arranging the photo and to other chapter members who donated to the project. FFRF has about 330 North Carolina members.

Freedom From Religion Foundation