We need your help to save the wall of separation between state and church, our secular government and our godless Constitution. Please tell Senator Murkowski to oppose the nomination …
Tell Senator Jones to save SCOTUS!
We need your help to save the wall of separation between state and church, our secular government and our godless Constitution. Please tell Senator Jones to oppose the nomination of …
Tell Senator Collins to save SCOTUS!
We need your help to save the wall of separation between state and church, our secular government and our godless Constitution. Please tell Senator Collins to oppose the nomination of …
FFRF, ACLU of Florida prevail: Kissimmee prayer proclamation revised
The national Freedom From Religion Foundation and the ACLU of Florida are greeting with approval a revision of a proclamation that had promoted prayer by city officials in Kissimmee, Fla. …
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Tell Senator Donnelly to save SCOTUS!
We need your help to save the wall of separation between state and church, our secular government and our godless Constitution. Please tell Senator Donnelly to oppose the nomination …
FFRF pressures Santa Rosa schools over abstinence program
The Freedom From Religion Foundation, a national state/church watchdog with more than 1,500 members throughout Florida, is placing pressure on the school board in Santa Rosa County to replace its …
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FFRF convinces Ohio city to remove decalog from public park
A Ten Commandments plaque has been removed from Murphy Park in Steubenville, Ohio, after a national state/church watchdog sent a letter to the city asking for the religious display to …
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Irreverent billboard campaign continues in Cobb County, Ga.
The Freedom From Religion Foundation is continuing its irreverent 2018 Georgia billboard campaign in suburban Atlanta with two new additions this August. “Enjoy life now — There is no afterlife” is …
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Freethought Radio — August 16, 2018
The Pennsylvania Catholic Church scandal is the horrible news of the week, involving hundreds of pedophile priests and thousands of victims. After hearing the song “Check It Out,” which Dan …