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Happy Juneteenth and Happy Summer Solstice! FFRF attorney Patrick Elliott joins us to talk about today’s Supreme Court Fulton decision over whether a publicly funded religious organization can refuse to place foster-care children with same-sex parents. Then we speak with journalist Helen Christophi about her article in the April/May Progressive magazine called “For Christ’s Sake: Leonard Leo’s Network Is Trying To Reshape the World Into the Kingdom of God.”

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This week there is plenty of evidence that “nothing fails like prayer.” We report on state/church complaints in Utah, North Carolina, Milwaukee, Texas and Oregon. After hearing freethinking Broadway composer Charles Strouse’s song “Poor Little Me” (lyrics by Dan Barker), we talk with historian Kristin Du Mez about her new book Jesus and John Wayne: How White Evangelicals Corrupted a Faith and Fractured a Nation.

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We celebrate Pride Month and President Biden’s decision not to fund the religiously repressive Hyde Amendment. After hearing the Cole Porter song “Experiment,” we honor the legacy of U.S. Founder Thomas Paine by hearing his words in the song “The World Is My Country.” Then we talk with leading constitutional scholar Geoffrey Stone about the Supreme Court’s decision to accept a Mississippi case restricting abortion.

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Breaking news! FFRF won its lawsuit against a Texas judge who opens his courtroom sessions with a prayer. We hear Christopher Hitchens talking about facing death, and then a “funny” song about death by Dan Barker called “No Hurry To Die.” Then we speak with philosopher and author Andy Norman about his new groundbreaking book Mental Immunity: Infectious Ideas, Mind-Parasites, and the Search for a Better Way to Think.

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It is the merry month of May and the scary month of May. Secular groups make history by meeting with the White House Office of Faith-Based & Neighborhood Partnerships, but the Supreme Court decision to hear an abortion ban case is very bad news. After listening to Kristin Lems’ song “Days of the Theocracy,” we talk with sociologist Phil Zuckerman, a professor at Pitzer College, about his Secular Studies program and his LA Times article claiming: “There is no reason to fear a secular nation.”

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A state/church victory in Georgia, praise for Secretary of State Blinken’s inclusion of nonbelievers and for an HHS proposal to expand family planning services. After hearing the Sherry Matulis poem “Benediction,” expressing pride in being an atheist, we talk with author Anu Garg, a former Hindu who is now an atheist, the founder of Wordsmith ( and the writer of the popular “A Word A Day” email that has hundreds of thousands of subscribers in almost 200 countries.

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VICTORY! Today we announce a major victory in our lawsuit against Texas Gov. Greg Abbot’s censorship of FFRF’s Bill of Rights display. Margaret Downey of the Freethought Society tells us how atheists and agnostics are helping the homeless and the hungry through the Mayday For Humanity event featuring well-known comedians, actors and musicians. Then, FFRF’s Director of Communications Amit Pal describes how Hindu nationalism and religious beliefs are exacerbating the current COVID megatragedy in India.

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We talk about rogue priests, predator priests, sanctimonious senators, creationist lawmakers and charitable atheists. After hearing Dan Barker’s first freethought song, “You Can’t Win With Original Sin,” we talk with Jennifer Taylor, the new president of the Rationalists of East Tennessee, about how she escaped the Jehovah’s Witnesses to become a happy freethinker.

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We celebrate Earth Day and 15 years of broadcasting Freethought Radio by announcing some good news on the state/church front. After hearing Dan Barker’s song “None of the Above,” we talk with psychologist and educator Dr. Marlene Winell, author of Leaving the Fold: A Guide for Former Fundamentalists and Others Leaving Their Religion, who tells us how to deal with religious trauma.

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Freedom From Religion Foundation