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Bishop: Turn Beliefs into Law

Bishop Robert Morlino, Diocese of Madison, Wis., gave the following chilling remarks at the 3rd annual National Catholic Prayer Breakfast, Washington, D.C., on April 7, 2006, where Pres. Bush also spoke:

[G]enerally the state should favor the practice of religion, because religious experience includes a moral code according to which people restrain themselves so that restraint by the state becomes less necessary. Thus if the state wishes to encourage democracy and needs less to intervene in the lives of individuals, one key to this strengthening of the sphere of freedom, this strengthening of democracy, is the favoring of religion by the state. Secularism founded upon relativism and deconstructionism, should never be imposed as a state religion [sic].

Our response is not to seek the embodiment of distinctive Catholic convictions in civil law. We should not be seeking to pass civil laws requiring belief in the Trinity or attendance at Sunday Mass or fasting from meat during the Fridays of Lent. Our response should be to seek the embodiment of natural law in the civil law. Natural law is that law written on the human heart which can be known by every human being through reason alone. There are three propositions of the natural law that need our attention and promotion precisely as such, that is to say, as natural law not as distinctively Christian or Catholic doctrine. The first is the existence of God. The second proposition [is to ban artificial contraception and abortion]. The third proposition [is to ban same-sex marriage]. =

Freedom From Religion Foundation