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Photos: FFRF Winter Solstice sign by Washington Statehouse (update)

FFRF Member Darrell Barker stands by the Winter Solstice banner he erected yesterday on the Washington State Capitol grounds, to counter a large nativity display erected there for several Decembers. Darrell improvised the sturdy frame himself. Darrell was previously involved in posting the same message inside the State Capitol in 2008, to counter an indoor nativity display. The FFRF gold sign was stolen, vandalized and recovered, so Darrell has taken special pains to safeguard the new banner. The sign successfully created such a firestorm that the governor barred public displays inside the Capitol. Many thanks to Darrell, who is the brother of FFRF Co-President Dan Barker, for his help and activism. See photo of the posted banner below: 

See the original press release.

Freedom From Religion Foundation

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