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FFRF Statement on Mingus Park Cross

The Freedom From Religion Foundation was dismayed and shocked to learn of an explosion in Coos Bay, Ore., late last week at a public park where FFRF has formally objected to a Christian cross atop a veteransā€™ memorial. Fortunately, no one was hurt and the war memorial appears to be undamaged. Police have not released details on what the device was.

FFRF condemns this violent and reckless act. We are in fact not aware of any act of violence committed by a nonbeliever in the name of keeping religion out of government. We have had FFRF billboards and banners vandalized and stolen on occasion, and been the recipient of many threats of violence over the years, so we know how it feels. Dynamiting the Buddhas at Bamiyan or terrorizing abortion clinics are the tyrannical tactics of religious fanatics, not the Freedom From Religion Foundation. We have never, and will never, advocate or employ violence against those with whom we disagree.

FFRF, a longstanding, non profit organization with almost 20,000 members, polices Jeffersonā€™s ā€œwall of separation between church and stateā€ through peaceful, educational means. FFRFā€™s goal is to ensure that the government complies with constitutional principles that are a bedrock of our secular republic. We expressly do not accomplish that mission by inciting anyone to lawlessness ā€” quite the opposite. We encourage members and citizens to stand up for the law ā€” the First Amendment, which protects all of us, by engaging in educational activities.

Nor would we suggest or assume that those with whom we disagree are guilty of violence simply because we disagree ideologically. There are many right-wing Christian legal groups against whom we constantly battle, but all those conflicts occur peacefully, in court of law or public debates.

Unfortunately, Hiram Sasser, an attorney at the Liberty Institute, one of the newer right-wing Christian legal groups, appears not to share our scruples. According to Fox News, ā€œSasser called on the FFRF to stop ā€˜fanning the flames of hostility toward veterans memorials.ā€™ ā€Sasser knows that FFRF has no objection to veterans memorials. More than 24% of our membership are veterans. We object to government endorsements of Christianity, and government war memorials that honor only Christian vets and exclude others.

Sasser knows of our position, because he is working with Coos Bay and heā€™s read the multiple letters we sent the city. FFRFā€™s has reiterated time and again: ā€œWe have no objection to the veteransā€™ memorials. Our objection is to the message of endorsement of Christianity over other religions and non-religions.ā€ Despite this clear statement, Sasser attempts to slur FFRF as anti-veteran.

Itā€™s therefore very unfortunate that, according to Fox News Sasser also said, ā€œThese people will stop at nothing to intimidate communities to tear down their veterans memorials. Now the crazies are trying to blow one up.ā€ FFRF again calls on the city of Coos Bay to honor all veterans and to end the divisiveness of the Mingus Park cross by removing it from public property.

Freedom From Religion Foundation

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