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FFRF protests church service sponsored by Ark. school and coach

The Freedom From Religion Foundation is working to stop a coach-organized religious service at an Arkansas high school, after the school’s football coach invited everyone to the “Bryant Hornet Football Team Worship” at a church.

Earlier this week the “Bryant Hornets” Facebook page posted the invitation from the Bryant High School football coach for the Aug. 26 event.

The coach wrote, “I would like to invite anyone and everyone that would like to join us in worshiping The Lord and kicking off the football season the right way! This tradition has been a blessing to me, our staff, our players and all of our families and we would love for you to come and share in this exceptional experience.”

He added that the president of a Baptist college would be the guest speaker.

FFRF Staff Attorney Patrick Elliott sent an August 22 letter to Bryant Public Schools Superintendent Randy Rutherford requesting he cancel the team religious worship service.

The school is violating the Constitution by endorsing and promoting a religious event. The school will trample on the Constitution by allowing the school- and coach-sponsored “Bryant Hornet Football Team Worship” to be held as planned.

“Bryant Public Schools has a duty to remain neutral toward religion,” Elliott wrote. “By one of its employees scheduling a religious service for a school athletic team, the district has breached that duty.”

Please click here to read FFRF’s complete letter to Bryant Public Schools and the Facebook post in question.

Freedom From Religion Foundation

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