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FFRF runs ad challenging BSA ban on atheists


FFRF BSA ad3finalThe Freedom From Religion Foundation ran a prominent quarter-page ad in yesterday’s New York Times Sunday Review section, challenging Boy Scouts of America’s continuing exclusion of nonreligious boys.

“We’re so pleased Boy Scouts of America is moving forward on gay rights, and that it decided to lift its ban against gay Scouts,” said FFRF Co-President Annie Laurie Gaylor. “But why is it still choosing to exclude and shun nonreligious boys and their families?”

FFRF’s ad ran prominently on the second page of the heavily-read opinion section, asking “Why is it socially acceptable to discriminate against atheists?”

The cartoon, by the late Don Addis of the St. Petersburg Times, was penned just for FFRF. It shows a Boy Scout counting his badges, saying “This one’s for swimming. This one’s for woodcraft. This one’s for religious bigotry . . .”

The ad notes that BSA’s membership form includes a religious litmus test saying “no member can grow into the best kind of citizen without recognizing his obligation to God.”

FFRF contends “No one can grow into the best kind of citizen who discriminates.”

“The intellectual rejection of claims for which there is no evidence is not only respectable, but vital to progress. What should not be respectable is treating any American, whether young or old, as a second-class citizen.”

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