Ala. school district ends religious assemblies (October 20, 2022)

After hearing from FFRF, an Alabama school district has stopped allowing school assemblies that feature religious speakers.

A concerned parent reported to FFRF that a teacher at Tallassee High School took students into the gym for a religious sermon delivered by a guest speaker. Reportedly, this guest speaker preached to students and attempted to convert them to Christianity, making statements such as, ā€œThe bible says you surrender your life. You throw yourself at the mercy of Jesus Christ with your life. Christ paid for my sins. I was on my way to hell. I owe him my life. Hands down.ā€ The guest speaker ended his sermon by leading students in prayer.

ā€œIt is unconstitutional to take away instructional time from students to expose them to a Christian proselytizing preacher,ā€ FFRF Staff Attorney Christopher Line wrote to Tallassee City Schools Superintendent Brock Nolin. ā€œIt is well settled that public schools may not show favoritism toward or coerce belief or participation in religion.ā€

A response from the superintendent assured FFRF that this violation will not recur. ā€œThis issue has been addressed with the faculty member and administration of the school,ā€ Nolin wrote. ā€œThey fully understand the issue at hand and it has been resolved.ā€

Freedom From Religion Foundation