School district dress code won’t discriminate (October 13, 2021)

An Alabama school district revised its discriminatory dress code after receiving a letter from FFRF. A parent reported that the latest edition of Shelby County Schools’ Student Code of Conduct prohibited students from wearing “any sign, symbol, logo or garment, which has become synonymous with any gang, cult, Satanism, or unauthorized club or activity.”

FFRF Staff Attorney Chris Line wrote that “A school policy that targets a particular form of religious belief, in this case, ‘Satanism,’ violates the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment. The prohibition on any sign, symbol, logo, or garment that has become synonymous with Satanism must be removed immediately.”

The school district responded to the letter saying that they are revising the Code of Conduct to address FFRF’s concerns and expect the revisions to be approved at the district’s next board meeting.

Freedom From Religion Foundation