Florida school district ceases religious club (June 4, 2021)

A public school district in Florida has addressed concerns about a religious club operating in a local secondary school.

A member of the community reported to FFRF that Milwee Middle School Pre-Engineering Magnet in Sanford has a Fellowship of Christian Athletes club that is run by a local pastor.

FFRF Staff Attorney Christopher Line wrote to the attorney for Seminole County Public Schools reminding them that schools cannot allow outside adults to ā€œregularly participate, organize or leadā€ religious student organizations, and any teacher involvement cannot exceed a supervisory capacity.

The attorney for Seminole County Public Schools responded and informed FFRF that they spoke with the school principal and addressed our concerns.

FFRF discovered that the school had also removed the FCA clubā€™s listing on the schoolā€™s website.

Freedom From Religion Foundation