Biblical verse poster removed from Crossville, Tn., high school classroom (October 4, 2019)

FFRF has persuaded Cumberland County Schools in Tennessee to hold a district-wide training event regarding the permissibility of religious displays in schools after getting several complaints from community members.

FFRF Staff Attorney Chris Line has written to the district multiple times about religious displays in schools, most recently regarding bible quotes on a classroom wall at Stone Memorial High School. A student reported to FFRF that a teacher has ā€œFight the good fight of FAITH ā€” 1 Timothy 6:12,ā€ ā€œI press on toward the goal ā€” Phil. 3:14,ā€ and ā€œPray, because you are not the center of the universe.ā€

The districtā€™s attorney sent a response informing FFRF that Principal Scott Maddux instructed the teacher to remove the posters that contained the biblical verses from his room. Additionally, the attorney noted plans to have conducted a training on these issues before the start of this school year.

Freedom From Religion Foundation