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Good News Club gets bad news from FFRF (December 15, 2016)

Good News Club meetings will no longer take place during the school day in the Lincoln County School District in Newport, Ore., after FFRF got involved in December 2015.

The Good News Club, an evangelical Christian children’s ministry, was previously allowed to meet at several elementary schools during lunch. FFRF Legal Fellow Madeline Ziegler informed the superintendent, “It is illegal for the district to allow the Good News Club to meet at schools during the school day.”

Ziegler pointed to the McCollum Supreme Court case holding that bible classes in public school were unconstitutional, in which the court said, “Here not only are the state’s tax-supported public school buildings used for the dissemination of religious doctrines. The state also affords sectarian groups an invaluable aid in that it helps to provide pupils for their religious classes though use of the state’s compulsory public school machinery. This is not separation of Church and State.”

On Dec. 15, Superintendent Steve Boynton told Ziegler the School Board had revised its rules on community use of school district facilities, and would restrict access to schools by non-school groups during school hours. FFRF’s parent complainant confirmed that Boynton presented the changes at the January School Board meeting.

Freedom From Religion Foundation