Graduation prayer taken off the schedule (September 10, 2015)

At the Iberia High School (Mo.) graduation in 2015, a reverend gave a heavily Christian invocation and benediction. Thanks to the FFRF, this constitutional violation will not recur.

“The Supreme Court has settled this matterā€”high school graduations must be secular to protect the freedom of conscience of all students,” wrote FFRF Staff Attorney Patrick Elliott. “It makes no difference how many students want prayer or wouldn’t be offended by prayer at their graduation ceremony. As the Supreme Court has said, ‘fundamental rights may not be submitted to vote; they depend on the outcome of no elections.'”

The Iberia R-V School District published a statement on Sept. 10 acknowledging that, despite the opinions of the board members and administrators, it was obligated as a public entity to “follow the directives of the Supreme Court.” The district also noted its duty to be a good steward of its funds, and not use taxpayer funds on unnecessary lawsuits.

Freedom From Religion Foundation