FFRF gets W.Va. teacher to stop proselytizing (June/July 2024)

A West Virginia physical education teacher part of the Raleigh County School District will no longer be leading students in prayer after classes, thanks to FFRF.

A Bradley Elementary School parent informed FFRF that the physical education teacher at the school had been abusing his position to proselytize and impose his religious beliefs onto students. The complainant reported that the teacher began classes with bible stories and ended them by leading students in prayer. The school-sponsored religious activity had been occurring since at least 2019.

FFRF Staff Attorney Chris Line wrote to the district regarding the concerns. Superintendent Serena L. Starcher wrote back to FFRF, indicating that the letter had been received, but would not divulge the outcome of the situation. ā€œGiven the serious nature of the allegations, an investigation is being conducted,ā€ Starcher wrote. ā€œAs the allegations are related to a school employee, I will be unable to share specific information regarding any action taken regarding the employee.ā€

After FFRF received the letter in April, the complainant reported back on May 1, stating that their children informed them that prayers and bible stories had ceased.

Freedom From Religion Foundation