“I’ve always been an atheist. I didn’t have to be converted to atheism.”“The anti-science aspect of religion is what bothers me most intensely. It’s personified in this cartoon: “Welcome to …
Emma Goldman
“I do not believe in God, because I believe in man. Whatever his mistakes, man has for thousands of years been working to undo the botched job your god has …
Pearl S. Buck
“Like Confucius of old, I am so absorbed in the wonder of earth and the life upon it that I cannot think of heaven and the angels.” “It may be …
Nick Offerman
“I would also just like to point out that there are no scientists handing out any brochures on any street corners, hoping to convince people that their version of creation …
Phil Zuckerman
“Can people be good without God? Can a moral orientation be sustained and developed outside of a religious context? The answer to both of these questions is a resounding yes.” …
Thomas Eisner
“I derive comfort from the knowledge that I am just another stitch in the fabric, that I was molded by natural selection, not by divine decree or intelligent design.” …
Engel v. Vitale
“When the power, prestige and financial support of government is placed behind a particular religious belief, the indirect coercive pressure upon religious minorities to conform to the prevailing officially approved …
Anthony Bourdain
“I’m closer to Hitchens’ view on this. Many of the world’s ills can be tracked back to [religion].” …
George Orwell
“One must choose between God and Man, and all ‘radicals’ and ‘progressives,’ from the mildest liberal to the most extreme anarchist, have in effect chosen Man.” …