“We owe a faith to the world and to ourselves. We owe a grace and gratitude to things that have brought us here. But I think it’s very ignorant to …
Butterfly McQueen
“As my ancestors are free from slavery, I am free from the slavery of religion.” …
Stephen Hawking
“All that my work has shown is that you don’t have to say that the way the universe began was the personal whim of God.” …
Thomas Aikenhead (Died)
“ It is a principle innate and co-natural to every man to have an insatiable inclination to the truth, and to seek for it as for hid treasure.” …
Carl Rogers
“Experience is, for me, the highest authority. The touchstone of validity is my own experience. … Neither the Bible nor the prophets — neither Freud nor research — neither the …
David Bowie
“I’m not quite an atheist and it worries me. There’s that little bit that holds on: Well, I’m almost an atheist. Give me a couple of months.” …
Lewis Lapham
“God is the greatest of man’s inventions, and we are an inventive people, shaping the tools that in turn shape us, and we have at hand the technology to tell …
Sarah Polley
“I don’t have faith in anything but my fellow human beings and the world around me. I have strong faith in people, but not beyond people. The world is a …
Ralph Miliband
“The political climate in our house was generally and loosely left: it was unthinkable that a Jew, our sort of Jew, the artisan Jewish worker, self-employed, poor, Yiddish-speaking, unassimilated, non-religious, …