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Events and Appearances Archives

February 16, 2023 — Associate Counsel Liz Cavell to Speak for the Association of Secular Elected Officials

FFRF Attorney Liz Cavell will be speaking for the Association of Secular Elected Officials on February 16, 2023. Cavell willl be discussing the rules surrounding school prayer after the Supreme Court's ruling in Kennedy v. Bremerton School District. This will be an open webinar and listeners will get a chance to learn what school board members need to know to ensure that school system employees respect the rights of students and follow the law. For further information, and to register for this free event, click here.

January 29, 2023 — Annie Laurie Gaylor to Speak at Thomas Paine Birthday Proclamation Celebration (Virtual)

Hear ye, Hear Ye! Join us to celebrate the birthdate of Thomas Paine!

Annie Laurie Gaylor, co-president of The Freedom From Religion Foundation, will be speaking at the virtual Thomas Paine Birthday Proclamation Celebration held on Sunday, January 29. Actor Ian Ruskin will be reading a New Rochelle, New York proclamation. Author, comedian, and monologist Julia Sweeney will be reading a City of Philadelphia proclamation signed by former Mayor Edward G. Rendell. Another City of Philadelphia proclamation, signed by former mayor Michael A. Nutter, will be read by author and educator Christopher Cameron. Actor John de Lancie and his wife Marnie Mosiman de Lancie will be reading proclamations from the cities of Lancaster and York, Pennsylvania. A special message from Congressman Jamie Raskin will also be included. Please click here for further information, and to register for the event.

January 28, 2023 – Dan Barker to Speak at “When Religious Leaders Become Atheists” Event (Vancouver, CA)

January 25, 2023 — Liz Cavell to Speak at Student Secular Alliance (Virtual)

FFRF Associate Counsel Liz Cavell will be speaking at the Secular Student Alliance Spring Semester Speaker Series on Wednesday, Jan. 25, at 6 p.m. She will be speaking on student rights & FFRF's Know Your Rights resources. This is a public event and a virtual presentation. More details to follow.

January 25, 2023 — Liz Cavell to Speak at Secular Student Alliance Webinar

Sometimes we might forget that protections for religious freedom include protection of non-religion. The First Amendment protects your right to hold and express your own beliefs, or lack thereof, as well as the right to not be pressured or coerced into participating in religious activities. Additionally, you have the right to be free from discrimination based on your secular identity. In this webinar, Liz Cavell, from Freedom From Religion Foundation, will lay out your rights as a secular student and what to do when your school or community don't respect them. For more information, and to RSVP, click here.

know your rights ffrf social media Small

January 7–8, 2023 — Vijayawada, India

FFRF co-president Dan Barker and FFRF Director of Communications Amit Pal will be at Gora’s 120th and Saraswathi Gora's 110th Birth Centenary Conference on ‘Secular Thought and Social Action’, at Atheist Centre India (Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh) on January 7 and 8, 2023. Details to follow . . .


December 22, 2022 — 2023 state legislative forecast webinar

After an intense year of changes to our legal landscape, state legislatures across the country are preparing for their upcoming 2023 legislative sessions. FFRF's legislative team has also been busy gearing up for these sessions to empower advocates like you to help stand up for our secular government. 

We hope you can join us for an interactive webinar as we prepare to advocate for secular legislation in each of these states. On Thursday, Dec. 22, at noon Central (1 p.m. Eastern), we will break down trends that we expect to see across the states, talk about why state-level policies are important, and show how you can use your voice to influence those policies. 

Click here to RSVP for the webinar. We hope to see you there as we prepare for critical fights in state legislatures to uphold the separation of state and church!!


November 17 — FFRF Communications Director Amit Pal to speak at global online event

Freedom From Religion Foundation Communications Director Amit Pal will be taking part in a global online event this Thursday, Nov. 17, dedicated to charting the worldwide rise of the far right.

The discussion, “Proto-Fascisms: The Far Right’s Threat to Humanity and the Environment,” headlined by intellectual luminary Noam Chomsky and including speakers and performers from all over the planet, will take place from 6 a.m. to 11 a.m. Eastern this Thursday. Pal will be speaking at 9:45 a.m. Eastern with a focus on the rise of religious nationalisms in the United States and India. You can watch the event live here. People can take a look at the program and check and choose which speakers and musicians they wish to see here.

November 12 — Associate Counsel Liz Cavell to speak Southern California Secular Coalition Conference (Goleta, CA)

Associate Counsel Liz Cavell will be speaking at the virtual "Life Behind Bars: Compassion and Reform" Second Annual Southern California Secular Coalition Conference, in Goleta, CA held from 9 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., PST. Cavell will deliver a lecture entitled Imagine No Religion: Towards a More Secular Criminal Justice System, at approximately 5PM PST. The event is being cosponsored by the American Humanist Association and The Freethought Society. Click here for more information.

November 2 — Secular Day of the Dead Festivities

The 2022 Secular Day of the Dead/Día de los Muertos Secular festivities begin at 6:45 p.m. Eastern on Wednesday, Nov. 2, via Zoom. Click here to register.

The Freedom From Religion Foundation, Freethought Society, Center For Inquiry, Hispanic American Freethinkers and the American Ethical Union are co-sponsors of the event. Event organizer Freethought Society President Margaret Downey will welcome participants during this bilingual event. To reserve a three-to-five minute time slot to celebrate a deceased loved one, please email [email protected] as soon as possible. Participants include actor Jon Huertas, comedian Luis Alberto Torres Castro and performances will be by Salvador Leon, Daniel Zepeda, Kaneko Leyva and Juan Antonio Garcia Hernandez. Attendees are encouraged to participate in the honoring ceremony. Prizes will be awarded to the best Zoom box decor, face painting, honoring table, and hair/hat adornment.





Oct. 2nd — FFRF Co-President Annie Laurie Gaylor to address Metro Chicago Chapter (Skokie, IL)

The Metropolitan Chicago Chapter of the Freedom From Religion Foundation will be hosting a free speaking engagement by FFRF Co-Founder and Co-President, Annie Laurie Gaylor. It will take place on Sunday, Oct. 2, at 1PM in Skokie, IL. Ms. Gaylor’s presentation will focus on the rise of Christian nationalism in the U.S. and its impact on the Supreme Court; including the court’s recent decision to overturn Roe V. Wade. She will also offer tips on how to get involved in the battle against encroaching patriarchal and totalitarian theocracy. A Q&A session will immediately follow. No RSVP is necessary. For more information, including the events address, please contact chapter board member, Brian McCaskill by clicking here.


September 22, 23, & 24 — Dan Barker to Speak at Latin American Free Thought Meeting (Pereira, Colombia)

FFRF Co-President Dan Barker will be speaking at the Second Latin American Freethought Conference, in Pereira, Columbia. The meeting, co-sponsored by FFRF, invites students, teachers, activists, and authors to speak on topics related to skepticism, sciences, atheism, transversal rights to secularism, criticisms of religion, and sexual and reproductive rights. Admission is free. 

Sept. 11 — Dan Barker to Speak on New Book “The End of Worship” (Sacramento, CA)

The Greater Sacramento Chapter of FFRF will be hosting FFRF's Co-President Dan Barker who will be speaking about his new book "The End of Worship," on Sunday, Sept. 11 in Roseville, CA. Doors will open to the public at 1:30 p.m. for a social with snacks. The program will begin at 2 p.m. with a Q&A and book signing to follow. No RSVP is needed. Please click here to contact The Greater Sacramento Chapter of FFRF for location and details. 



Sept. 10 — Dan Barker to Speak on “The Battle of Church and State” (San Francisco, CA)

FFRF Co-President Dan Barker will be speaking at the San Francisco Bay Chapter's inaugural event in San Francisco, Calif. on Sept. 10. Barker will discuss the "Battle of Church and State;" a timely topic as we adjust to a post-Roe world. The meeting will be held at the San Francisco Public library. Space is limited, and you can sign up by clicking here. For further information, email Bay Area Chapter Leader Walt Bilofsky by clicking here.



Sept. 17 — Constitution Day 2022 (Bentonville, AR)

The Freedom From Religion Foundation will be co-sponsoring an event with FFRF member Chris Sweeny to celebrate Constitution Day, in Bentonville, Arkansas. FFRF members are invited to explore the Crystal Bridges Museum to witness an exhibition titled “We the People: The Radical Notion of Democracy.” Members will meet at the Eleven Restaurant in the Crystal Bridges Museum at 11 a.m. and, after viewing the exhibit, will join in marching to Bentonville Square. The event is free, and attendees are encouraged to wear clothes that support FFRF’s mission. If you are interested in this event, or in joining the soon to be affiliated FFRF Members of the Ozarks Chapter, please click here to contact chapter leader Chris Sweeny.

Freedom From Religion Foundation