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December 22, 2021

FFRF brings secular Solstice message to Phoenix

The Freedom From Religion Foundation has brought its seasonal Winter Solstice display to the Arizona Capitol this week for the first time. A large red banner put up on the …

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December 22, 2021

Boston appropriately refused Christian flag, FFRF tells Supreme Court

The Freedom From Religion Foundation and a like-minded group are contending to the U.S. Supreme Court that the city of Boston has properly refused to fly a Christian flag at …

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December 22, 2021

FFRF publishes new book exposing the bible

The bible is tiresomely termed “The Good Book,” but, as author Brian Bolton tirelessly documents, it is anything but. In his newest work, The (Not So) Good Book, Bolton meticulously …

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December 21, 2021

Get Nigerian humanist released, FFRF urges new intl. religious freedom ambassador

The Freedom From Religion Foundation is asking the new international religious freedom ambassador to fully embrace his mandate right from the start. The U.S. Senate has just confirmed Rashad Hussain …

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December 21, 2021

Away with the manger — in with the Solstice!

For a fact, the Christians stole Christmas. We don’t mind sharing the season with them, but we don’t like their pretense that it is the birthday of Jesus. It is …

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December 21, 2021

FFRF Solstice display is back in Olympia

The Freedom From Religion Foundation’s secular Winter Solstice sign has returned to the Washington state Capitol this year. The banner went up Dec. 18 on the Statehouse grounds thanks to …

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December 20, 2021

N.C. city council stops prayers after FFRF appeal

A North Carolina city council has discontinued starting its meetings with a prayer after hearing from the Freedom From Religion Foundation. A concerned Mebane resident had informed the state/church watchdog …

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December 17, 2021

FFRF applauds FDA’s decision to allow abortion pills by mail

The Freedom From Religion Foundation is applauding the Food and Drug Administration’s decision to allow abortion medication to be received by mail. This reverses a previous policy that required abortion …

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December 16, 2021

A Winter Solstice celebration on FFRF Sunday TV show

The Freedom From Religion Foundation is celebrating Winter Solstice — the real reason for the season — on its “Freethought Matters” television show this Sunday, and we’d like you to …

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Freedom From Religion Foundation