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January 3, 2022

FFRF to Pelosi: Cancel divisive prayer vigil at Jan. 6 event

The Freedom From Religion Foundation is calling on Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi to call off a prayer vigil she has planned as part of the House’s one-year observance …

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January 3, 2022

Drop nativity play and discrimination, FFRF tells Mich. school

The Freedom From Religion Foundation has told a Michigan elementary school that it must stop putting on a nativity play as part of its annual holiday show. ​​A concerned parent …

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December 30, 2021

FFRF warns W.Va. school that devotional Xmas assignment crosses the line

  The Freedom From Religion Foundation has contacted the Putnam County Schools in Winfield, W.Va., to report an egregious case of religious indoctrination of first graders at the local elementary …

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December 30, 2021

Gloria Steinem interview on FFRF Sunday TV show

Click here to watch the video teaser. The Freedom From Religion Foundation’s “Freethought Matters” TV show is starting off 2022 in style with none other than Gloria Steinem as the …

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December 27, 2021

FFRF objects to school board prayers in Orrville, Ohio

The Freedom From Religion Foundation is urging Orrville City School District in Ohio to discontinue starting its board meetings with Christian prayers. A concerned district resident and parent contacted the …

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December 27, 2021

FFRF calls SCOTUS shadow docket hearing over Covid mandates ‘ominous’

  As ominous as the spreading omicron variant is the upcoming showdown at the U.S. Supreme Court next week over the Biden Administration’s Covid-19 mandates. In what the Washington Post …

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December 27, 2021

FFRF wins right to put up a secular display in N.J. city

A secular display by the Freedom From Religion Foundation will share space in the Mini-Park with a Christmas tree in Keyport, N.J. FFRF, a national state/church watchdog, is pleased to …

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December 25, 2021

What I want for Christmas

By Robert Green IngersollThe Arena, Boston, December 1897 If I had the power to produce exactly what I want for next Christmas, I would have all the kings and emperors …

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December 22, 2021

FFRF sends Reason’s Greetings for a bright New Year

In the midst of the ominous omicron spread, as well as ominous judicial and political developments, it’s more important than ever for the Freedom From Religion Foundation, its membership and …

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Freedom From Religion Foundation