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Many victories to report on the eve of Bill of Rights Day: IRS Clergy Housing Allowance enjoined, Texas Judge rebuffed, Trump’s theocratic judicial nominee rejected, nativity scene moved from Pennsylvania city property, Christian mentoring program stopped in South Carolina schools. After celebrating the defeat of the religious ideologue Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore, we talk with Diana Sabillon, a feminist atheist in Honduras who is fighting state/church entanglement in a country drenched in religion.

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FFRF’s secular Winter Solstice displays are going up around the country. FFRF attorney Chris Line tells us about the 350+ letters we mailed to high-school superintendents warning them of the proselytizing Todd Becker Foundation that preys on students. After celebrating the birthdays of actress Hermione Gingold and British comedian Kate Smurthwaite, we talk with Lubna Ahmed, who had to flee Iraq and seek asylum in the United States after receiving death threats due to her outspoken atheism and feminism.

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Fifteen groups join an Americans United amicus brief supporting FFRF’s federal court victory against a large public cross in Pensacola, Florida. Dan Barker asks for help in his appeal of a DC judge’s dismissal of his lawsuit challenging the Congressional chaplain’s refusal to allow a secular invocation before the House of Representatives. After learning the history behind the song “It Ain’t Necessarily So”, we talk with Larry Decker, Executive Director of the Secular Coalition For America, about how to improve the image of nonbelievers and lobby for secular law.

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What are the real origins of Thanksgiving? Stand-up comedian Leighann Lord shares with us her hilarious “Six Things to Argue About at Thanksgiving Other Than Politics.” Then Eva Quiñones, president of Humanistas Seculares de Puerto Rico, on the phone from Puerto Rico, tells us what it has been like since Hurricanes Irma and Maria battered the island, how atheists and humanists are delivering food, water, and emergency supplies to victims, and what freethinkers are doing there to keep state and church separate.

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Dan talks about his trip to Central America, where he spoke for the Honduran Freethinkers and Guatemala Humanists, a tour that included four national television and one national radio interview. After discussing Senate candidate Roy Moore’s theocratic hypocrisy, we announce recent FFRF victories in the public schools in Texas and West Virginia. Then we hear renowned composer Brent Michael Davids, a member of the Mohican tribe, talk about “Do you know an American Indian atheist?”

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Freethought Radio takes a trenchant look at recent insensitive religious absurdities by Rev. Pat Robertson, Bishop Robert Morlino, President Trump and Speaker of the House Paul Ryan. We play Roy Zimmerman’s satiric “To the Victims of This Tragedy” as commentary on “thoughts and prayers” substituting for action. FFRF Patrick O’Reiley Legal Fellow Chris Line joins us to talk about the hysterical hullabaloo over his recent victory ending football prayer at a Georgia high school. Investigative reporter Katherine Stewart, author of The Good News Club, returns to talk about her new piece about another threat to secular public education, “The Proselytizers and the Privatizers,” appearing in this month’s American Prospect.

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After announcing upcoming freethought events in DC, New York City, and Central America, Dan and Annie Laurie talk with staff attorney Liz Cavell about the FFRF amicus brief she drafted for the Supreme Court Masterpiece Bakery case that questions whether business owners, because of their religious beliefs, can refuse to serve gays. Then we hear part of the hilarious speech that actress, comedian, and author Julia Sweeney delivered before FFRF’s annual convention where she told us about the many atheist-bashing Christian movies she watched this year.

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This Halloween weekend, Bill O’Reilly is “mad at God!,” and a Texas high-school is mad at FFRF. The “Nones” are growing even faster, according to Scientific American. We announce FFRF’s new “Unabashed” and “Out of the Closet” virtual billboards. After hearing the first-ever “Atheist Town Hall,” moderated by Cara Santa Maria, we listen to New York Times op-ed columnist Michelle Goldberg describe the scary rise of “Christian nationalism” during the Trump era.


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Another victory! FFRF prevailed in its federal lawsuit against Texas governor Greg Abbott, who violated our free-speech rights when he ordered our Bill of Rights display removed from the state capitol. We dissect President Trump’s remarks at the Values Voters Summit, and then challenge the nomination of theocrat Jeff Mateer to the Texas federal court. After hearing Dan’s song “Freedom From Religion,” we talk with Frances Kissling, former president of Catholics for Choice, about the Vatican’s war against women.


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Freedom From Religion Foundation