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We applaud President Biden’s repeal of religious discrimination. FFRF joins in an abortion appeal to the United Nations, and appreciates a State Department reward for Avijit Roy’s killers. Vashti McCollum’s heroic lawsuit is honored and Gov. Greg Abbott’s idea of education is exposed as indoctrination. FFRF attorney Sam Grover explains our brief challenging the Ten Commandments monument in Arkansas. Then we hear five black atheists explain why they left religion and discuss the special challenges African American nonbelievers face in today’s world.

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Our guest this week is Dr. Christine Henneberg, author of the book Boundless: An Abortion Doctor Becomes a Mother. FFRF Legal Fellow Sammi Lawrence describes some first-amendment legal victories she was involved in, and describes the problems nonreligious seniors have while living in religious nursing homes. After reporting state/church news around the country, we hear the freethinking singer/songwriter Joni Mitchell perform “Both Sides Now.”


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After reporting state/church news in Ohio, North Carolina and Florida, we talk about the tragic religious persecution in Pakistan and Afghanistan. FFRF Senior Policy Counsel Ryan Jayne discusses the more than 1,000 state-level religiously based bills introduced in 2023 that we are monitoring and reports a “Health Care Sharing Ministry” victory in Missouri. Then we speak with Leonard Presberg, founder and president of the Association of Secular Elected Officials.


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Amy Hagstrom Miller, with Whole Woman’s Health Alliance, tells us about the devastation to abortion access wrought by the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision. We hear jazz singer Tahira Clayton perform freethinking composer Jerome Kern’s song “I’m Old Fashioned,” and we cover many local, national and international stories about religion and government.

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A new PRRI study shows that Americans overwhelmingly reject Christian nationalism. FFRF Attorney Chris Line talks about this week’s Wisconsin State Journal story, “The Running Man,” that features his successful effort to lose more than 250 pounds. Then we speak with Jonathan Larsen, managing editor of The Young Turks, about his revealing investigation into the National Prayer Breakfast.

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We have many state/church victories to report, including against the National Prayer Breakfast and proselytizing Colorado coach Deion Sanders. FFRF litigation counsel Sam Grover describes our newest federal court win against Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, who censored our display in the state Capitol. Then we hear Nebraska state Sen. Megan Hunt, an atheist working to keep religion and government separate, as she accepts FFRF’s “Champion of the First Amendment” award.

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After addressing the numerous problems with the National Prayer Breakfast, we speak with Central Florida Freethought Association director Joseph Richardson about how his secular invocation before a county board was “corrected” by a Christian prayer. Then we speak with Owosso, Mich., City Councilor Emily Olson, who received a death threat after she complained about prayers before council meetings.

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After we report on national and local state/church news, FFRF Legal Fellow Karen Heineman describes a disturbing case before the U.S. Supreme Court that will most certainly expand religious privilege. Then FFRF Co-President Dan Barker and Communication Director Amitabh Pal report on their trip to India this month to meet with brave rationalists who are battling superstition and Hindu nationalism.

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We celebrate Martin Luther King Jr Day and National Religious Freedom Day, “eulogize” Cardinal Pell via Tim Minchin’s song, “Come Home Cardinal Pell,” then hear irreverent Jim Hightower pillory religious entanglements in Texas.

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Freedom From Religion Foundation