Tributes to Anne Gaylor

Legend of Liberty

By Alice Cleveland Shiver

There is one among us of great worth.
She is endowed with courage, with poise
and with persistence. She uses each of these traits in her
unending pursuit of equality and
liberty for all people. Her journey has been inspired by the vision
from her caring heart: a vision that
recognizes the blindnesses of this world. Social blindness that denies a place at the table,
moral blindness that denies access to medicine,
intellectual blindness that denies education,
political blindness that denies civil rights. She has dedicated decades of her life to
defending a woman’s right to choose. She stands
in protest of every religious incursion into
public schools and government. This stalwart woman has opened the eyes
of many throughout the world to the
necessity of freedom from religion because
religion promotes and justifies human oppression. Anne Nicol Gaylor has shared with us the vision
from her heart, and now her vision is ours.
We are deeply grateful.

Freedom From Religion Foundation