The Freedom From Religion Foundation congratulates the seven currently enrolled student winners in its annual essay contest for graduate students to age 30 and undergrads ages 25-30. They were asked to write about “Why ‘Religious Liberty’ does not mean the right to impose your religion on others.”
The competition is generously endowed by Brian Bolton, an FFRF Lifetime Member who is a retired psychologist, humanist minister and university professor emeritus at the University of Arkansas.
First Place ($3000): Alex Flitter – Rutgers University
Second Place ($2000): Kat Heiden – Gonzaga University
Third Place ($1000): Justin Clark – Purdue University
Fourth Place ($750): Zachary Tuck – California College of the Arts
Fifth Place: ($500): Benjamin van Loon – Northeastern Illinois University
Sixth Place (tie): ($400): Jared Plotkin – California State University, Los Angeles
Sixth Place (tie): ($400): Ashley Reynolds – Oklahoma State University-Stillwater
“We congratulate these students for analyzing what is wrong with the theocrats’ newest strategy to undermine true religious liberty in the United States,” said FFRF Co-President Annie Laurie Gaylor.
FFRF has three annual essay competitions. Earlier this summer, FFRF awarded $10,250 to a total of 16 college-bound high school graduates and $12,550 to a total of 21 college students. FFRF would also like to extend a special thanks to Dorea and Dean Schramm in Florida for providing each student who is a member of a secular campus group a $100 bonus. The total of $8,550 reflects bonuses.
Check back in February 2015 for the guidelines to next year’s essay contest.