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North Carolina lieut gov an embarrassment

NC Lieutenant Governor image


North Carolina Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson continues to embarrass the nation with his intemperate and ignorant remarks, contends the Freedom From Religion Foundation. His latest contribution to dummying down the country is to suggest that grade school students shouldnā€™t be taught science.

FFRF wrote to Robinson earlier this summer asking him to apologize for his misogynistic and Christian nationalist remarks. The state/church watchdog had previously called on the lieutenant governor to step down after he said last fall that the United States of America should become a Christian theocracy. He also offered to buy tickets for those who disagreed so that they could leave the country. 

Now, Robinson is reportedly suggesting a ban on teaching science to elementary school students. According to NBC affiliate WRAL-TV, which obtained an advance copy of his upcoming book, Robinson says science and history shouldnā€™t be taught to students before six grade. ā€œWe donā€™t need to be teaching science. We surely donā€™t need to be talking about equity and social justice,ā€ he maintains.

The book, titled We Are the Majority: The Life and Passions of a Patriot, also calls for the elimination of the stateā€™s board of education.

In May, Robinson ridiculously insisted God confers leadership on men, not women, because David, ā€œnot Davita,ā€ fought Goliath. He has called transgenderism and homosexuality ā€œfilth.ā€ 

FFRF finds such retrograde viewpoints appalling.

ā€œItā€™s a fact that the majority of Americans support the separation of state and church, support marriage equality and support abortion rights,ā€ maintains Annie Laurie Gaylor, FFRF co-president. ā€œTrue ā€˜patriotsā€™ in public office support our secular Constitution instead of denigrating constitutional principles protecting freedom of conscience, privacy and individual liberties.ā€

The Freedom From Religion Foundation is a nationwide educational nonprofit association with more than 37,000 nonreligious members and several chapters across the country, including nearly 800 North Carolina members and a chapter in the state. Its purposes are to protect the constitutional separation between state and church and to educate the public on matters related to nontheism.

Freedom From Religion Foundation

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