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FFRF files against church politicking order

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As the watchers on the wall of separation between state and church, we’re pleased to announce we’ve just filed a federal lawsuit against President Trump’s harmful executive order giving churches the green light to engage in politicking.

FFRF is fighting for you on this “National Day of Prayer” so that reason and our Constitution prevail. Our attorneys have been closely tracking this order and began working on a lawsuit draft the day the order was leaked in February. Our lawsuit is carefully worded and reasoned.

Please see our press release, which links to FFRF’s legal complaint.

While our litigation is concentrating on Trump’s attempt to tamper with the Johnson Amendment (which prohibits churches from using donations for political purposes), FFRF has not ruled out other litigation related to today’s executive order perverting the concept of “religious liberty.”

We’re honored to be filing in your name, and that of our other 28,000 members nationwide. How else can you help? You can help by spreading the word on social media that FFRF is leading the fight against Trump’s Establishment Clause assaults. Or you can make a tax deductible donation to our Legal Fund now or when you receive FFRF’s springtime letter of appeal. (If you like, you can even donate “in Mike Pence’s name”!)

We are tremendously concerned about the direction our nation is being taken, and are so grateful for your membership, which makes our activism and litigation possible.

Freedom depends on freethinkers.

Dan Barker & Annie Laurie Gaylor




Freedom From Religion Foundation

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