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Texas school stops bible distribution (June 11, 2018)

FFRF has put a stop to a Texas school district’s illegal distribution of bibles. On June 6, FFRF Associate Council Sam Grover wrote to Brian Nelson, general counsel for Corpus Christi Independent School District in Corpus Christi, Texas, to register a complaint regarding several instances of the district inappropriately advancing religion. A concerned district parent reported to FFRF that free backpacks containing supplies and a copy of the bible were being distributed at Gibson Elementary School. Additionally, FFRF was informed that some teachers had been promoting their religious beliefs in the classroom.

On June 11, Nelson responded to FFRF’s complaint, confirming that the backpacks distributed to students did contain bibles and were packed by a local church. Nelson assured FFRF that school district administration “will make certain that any future donors of backpacks and supplies are aware they must not include bibles or any other religious literature.” Additionally, the district will remind employees that religious “statements cannot be made or advanced by school personnel.”

Freedom From Religion Foundation