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Public school teacher proselytization stopped (May 6, 2014)

A public high school teacher will no longer exhort students to attend church in Fargo, N.D. A local complainant reported to FFRF that a teacher told students that there is a ā€œmeaning behind Easterā€ and that, ā€œYou all should go to church.ā€

Staff Attorney Patrick Elliot wrote a letter to the district on April 25, explaining that urging students to attend church shows the Districtā€™s endorsement of religion, and such advancement of religion is unconstitutional.

FFRF requested that Fargo Public Schools investigate the matter immediately and institute appropriate disciplinary action. The school districtā€™s attorney promptly responded reporting that the district took disciplinary action and placed the results in the teacherā€™s file. The attorney noted: ā€œFargo Public Schools strictly forbids their employees to proselytize.ā€

Freedom From Religion Foundation