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‘Praying hands’ image off school wall (Jan. 20, 2015)

After initially refusing, Kenneth Cooper Middle School officials in Oklahoma have removed a poster called “Faith in America” featuring two children with their hands clasped in prayer in front of an American flag.

FFRF Staff Attorney Andrew Seidel first wrote to Putnam County Schools about the image in August. “The meaning could not be more clear,” Seidel wrote, “real American children pray.”

School district attorney Anthony Childers responded that the district had received no complaints in the 18 years the poster had been up and claimed it was not proselytizing. “At this time, we do not believe that the image violates the Establishment Clause and the District will not agree to remove the image from its office.”

In a rebuttal, Seidel noted that the fact that the display had been up so long “only serve[d] to make the violation more egregious.” The claim that the poster was not religious was “at odds with common sense,” he said.

FFRF’s local complainant reported that “Faith in America” has been swapped out for a George Washington portrait.

Freedom From Religion Foundation