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Police station won’t display nativity again (December 17, 2015)

Next holiday season, the city of Belle Plaine, Minn., will not allow a longstanding nativity scene on public land as it previously had. A local church will display it instead.

Staff Attorney Patrick Elliott and Legal Fellow Ryan Jayne sent the city a letter of complaint on Dec. 15 to protest the nativity display, which the city allowed the Rotary Club to place on the lawn of the police department for at least 60 years. In addition to pointing out the legal issues with the nativity, FFRF requested to put up its own banner if the nativity was not removed. The request was granted, although FFRF’s banner was later stolen.

FFRF’s local complainant reported on Dec. 17 that the Rotary had been told it would have to move the nativity from 2016 onward.

Freedom From Religion Foundation