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Ohio high school rethinks wrestling team’s prayers (August 20, 2013)

The Freedom From Religion Foundation appears to have stopped a New Lexington, Ohio, high school’s coach-led prayer before wrestling matches.

FFRF Senior Staff Attorney Rebecca Markert sent a June 13 letter to New Lexington City Schools Superintendent Tonya Sherburne requesting she stop the coach-led prayers.

“New Lexington City Schools must take immediate action to ensure that coaches do not lead, organize, invite clergy to deliver, encourage, or participate in prayers with their teams,” Markert wrote.

Sherburne responded on August 20 that after receiving FFRF’s letter, the school district conducted an internal investigation. She said meetings were held with district staff, including coaches, to discuss the legalities raised in FFRF’s letter.

“I have taken measures within the organization to address the general matters presented in your letter,” she wrote.

Freedom From Religion Foundation