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No more teacher-led prayers in S.C. district (January 3, 2022)

A South Carolina school district has stopped teachers from leading prayers during school hours.

After a concerned parent reported to FFRF that multiple teachers within the Cherokee County School District had been leading their classes in prayer during lunch, including teachers at Northwest Elementary School, FFRF Attorney Chris Line wrote a letter to the district.

“Public school teachers may not promote religion by leading students in prayer, encouraging students to pray, participating in student-initiated prayer, or otherwise endorsing religion to students,” he wrote. “The district must make certain that none of its employees are unlawfully and inappropriately indoctrinating students in religious matters by leading prayer, encouraging them to pray, or setting aside time for prayer or religious instruction.”

The Cherokee County School District responded by stopping the offensive practice and reminded all of its administrators of the need to maintain a distance between state and church.

Freedom From Religion Foundation