After the Freedom From Religion Foundation lodged a complaint, staff at the Haskins Learning Center in Pratt Unified School District will not lead students in prayer.
FFRF received a report that before a school-wide Thanksgiving lunch, the school’s principal asked everyone to bow their heads and a teacher delivered a prayer.
“The District should make certain that teachers in its schools are not unlawfully and inappropriately indoctrinating students in religious matters by encouraging them to engage in prayer or by praying with students at school activities,” wrote FFRF Staff Attorney Andrew Seidel.
An attorney for the school district sent FFRF a letter on Dec. 18, saying he “[did] not disagree” with FFRF’s account of what happened at the lunch, continuing, “It is now acknowledged that prayer offered by staff members of a public school entity may not be appreciated by all students and parents, and it is not anticipated that this will occur in the future.”