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No more bible verses on social media posts (October 1, 2021)

The superintendent of Glen Rose ISD in Texas has stopped using bible verses in social media posts after receiving a letter from FFRF Staff Attorney Chris Line. A concerned resident reported that on Sept. 1, the superintendent posted a bible verse on the districtā€™s official Facebook page. The post informed parents and students about the junior high campus closing but also included ā€œFor God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7.ā€

Line informed the superintendent that district employees and administrators can worship, pray or quote any religious text they wish when acting in their capacities. But they are not permitted to use their position as public school employees to promote and endorse their personal religious views.

A response from the superintendent indicated that he will not do it again.

Freedom From Religion Foundation