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N.C. teacher removes bible verses from office (May 2024)

FFRF convinced the ArtSpace Charter School in Swannanoa, N.C., to remove religious displays from a teacher’s office where students could see them.

An employee reported to FFRF that a staff member displayed several bible verses in his office in plain view of students. The complainant reported that they could be seen from the hallway, as well. Additionally, the religious displays made other employees uncomfortable and raised concerns about whether the staff member was promoting his personal religious beliefs to students in other ways as well.

FFRF Staff Attorney Chris Line wrote to Executive Director Sarena Fuller, who wrote back to FFRF, informing that action had been taken.

“After receiving the complaint on Feb. 12, I met with [the staff member] to request that he move the bible verses. Although this area is his personal workstation, we understand that the verses were problematically displayed in a prominent location in his office where students and staff could see it and interpret his personal expression as an endorsement,” she wrote. Fuller confirmed that the staff member removed the display. Additionally, Fuller met with faculty and staff in March to discuss constitutional rights and obligations.

Freedom From Religion Foundation