Mormon video no longer allowed in public school anti-bullying assemblies (July 7, 2014)

Kuna School District in Kuna, Ida., addressed the constitutional concerns of FFRF about a religious video at an assembly.

A complainant informed FFRF that Kuna Middle School held an anti-bullying assembly in May. A video, ā€œBullying ā€” Stop It,ā€ produced by the media channel of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, was shown to students. This video explicitly refers to both Jesus Christ and a Heavenly Father. Regarding stopping bullying, the video claims, ā€œthis mighty change of heart is exactly what the Gospel of Jesus Christ is designed to bring about.ā€ It also claims that, ā€œallowing us to see others the way our Heavenly Father sees us, because God loves us so much, we too must love and forgive; remember in the end it is the merciful who obtain mercy.ā€ This video was shown in its entirety and was paused at the end to display the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints logo.

FFRF Staff Attorney Andrew Seidel sent a letter on June 4, stating that despite the important anti-bullying message, the overtly religious nature and promotion of a specific religion videos is clearly inappropriate.

ā€œ[Y]our community possesses many secular experts in this field, including counselors, psychologists, and sociologists, who have experience, training, certification and/or degrees and would be delighted, usually at no cost to the district, to discuss bullying before your student bodies, and whose presence would not raise constitutional red flags.ā€

On July 7, Superintendent Wendy Johnson replied: ā€œThe student who presented the assembly and video did disclose to building administration that there was religious content at the end of the anti-bullying video. The building administration requested that the video be stopped before the religious content was shown. Unfortunately the video was not stopped in the appropriate time.ā€

Johnson added that the District will perform proper diligence in reviewing all videos and documentation presented to students: ā€œTo prevent this type of occurrence from happening in Kuna School District schools in the future we have requested that all building administrators utilize Kuna School District approved materials.ā€

Freedom From Religion Foundation