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Missouri school drops ‘character assembly’ (April 3, 2015)

After FFRF objected to inappropriate religious references at a public school assembly in Branson, Mo., the district has taken steps to ensure future assemblies will be religion-free.

Last October, Branson Junior High School hosted a “character assembly” sponsored by the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. A former football player offered to pray with students, told them to give all their problems to Jesus and handed out football cards with a testimonial about how God and Jesus had helped him through difficult times.

Staff Attorney Patrick Elliott wrote the district March 27: “Providing a school assembly with religious content by a Christian speaker gives the appearance that Branson Public Schools endorses that speaker’s religious message.”

Superintendent Doug Hayter responded April 3 that the administration discussed policies regarding neutrality toward religion with the school principal and would “review these guidelines with our entire administrative team to ensure knowledge and full compliance.”

Freedom From Religion Foundation