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Massachusetts town removes biblical display for kids after FFRF intervenes (July 29, 2020)

FFRF has persuaded a Massachusetts town into removing a religious display from a library playground.

A concerned community member contacted FFRF to report that the Ashburnham Library playground featured a turning picture game describing the biblical tale of Noah and the Ark. Each section of the turning game contained a passage from the genocidal tale, which was paraphrased from the book of Genesis in order to be more easily understood by young children. For instance, one section read: ā€œOnce there was a man named Noah who was warned by God of a great flood. Noah began to build an ark that was 450 feet long, 75 feet wide, and 45 feet high.ā€

Federal courts have held displays of religious symbols on public property to be an unconstitutional endorsement of religion, FFRF stressed.

ā€œIt is settled that permanent displays on public land are government speech,ā€ FFRF Staff Attorney Madeline Ziegler wrote to Ashburnham Board of Selectmen Chair Leo Janssens. ā€œIt makes no difference whether this part of the playground was donated to the city. As a permanent fixture, observers understand that the display is sanctioned and approved by the city.ā€

The display of this vengeful biblical tale on public property conferred government endorsement of religion, FFRF added. It was especially troublesome that this display was aimed squarely at young children using the public library. The government should not be using public grounds to promote bible stories to the most impressionable members of society, FFRF emphasized.

The town must remove this Noahā€™s Ark display from the playground and refrain from approving any such displays in the future, FFRF insisted.

City officials read FFRFā€™s message loud and clear.

ā€œThank you for bringing this matter to the townā€™s attention,ā€ Ashburnham Town Administrator Brian Doheny recently emailed the state/church watchdog. ā€œIn response to your letter, the town has painted over both sides of the display with white paint so that no symbolism is shown (see attached pictures).ā€

FFRF appreciates the cityā€™s prompt action.

ā€œWeā€™re pleased the town realized that allowing biblical preaching to children at a public institution isnā€™t in keeping with our nationā€™s secular ideals,ā€ says Co-President Annie Laurie Gaylor.

Freedom From Religion Foundation