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Latin cross removed from Texas police station (September 2023)

The Alpine (Texas) police chief removed a Latin cross from the lobby of the police station, thanks to FFRF.

FFRF was notified of the cross by a concerned community member, who reported that the cross is located above the entrance of the department’s building. As a nonbeliever, the complainant expressed frustration due to the department’s apparent favoritism of religion over nonreligion.

“The Constitution’s Establishment Clause — which protects Americans’ religious freedom by ensuring the continued separation of religion and government — dictates that the government cannot in any way show favoritism toward religion,” FFRF Legal Fellow Sammi Lawrence wrote to Chief Darrell Losoya.

Losoya responded to FFRF, informing it that the violation had been corrected. “The cross was removed from the lobby. I appreciate you reaching out to me,” he wrote.

Freedom From Religion Foundation