After FFRF got involved, a Jehovah’s Witness display with religious pamphlets has been removed from the side of a commuter bike path in Madison, Wis.
A concerned resident contacted FFRF to report a “sandwich board” display that was standing in Glenwood Park at the side of the bike path. The display held religious literature advertising the Jehovah’s Witnesses Christian sect.
In a letter to the Parks Superintendent on Nov. 10, FFRF Legal Fellow Ryan Jayne informed the city of the display.
“This religious display stood as an advertisement to bikers and other users of the commuter path,” wrote Jayne. “FFRF and our members are concerned that displays at this location will be a hindrance on others’ use of the park and bike path.”
FFRF received a response on Nov. 16 from the Department of Public Works Engineering Division City Engineer Robert Phillips, who wrote that the sign had been removed and was not permitted by the city.