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Evolution no longer under attack in Georgia schools (April 2024)

The Laurens County Schools in Georgia will no longer allow science teachers to spread their personal doctrine over Darwinism, thanks to FFRF’s efforts.

A concerned district parent reported that a science teacher at West Laurens High School told students that she didn’t believe in evolution while teaching about it, undermining the scientific fact of evolution and promoting her personal religious beliefs. FFRF’s complainant reported that the teacher explained Christian creationist beliefs to students and told them that they shouldn’t trust the theory of evolution because Darwin rushed to publish his findings to be the first to publish the theory. The complainant reported that other science teachers in the district similarly promoted Christianity and denigrated the theory of evolution while teaching the subject.

FFRF Staff Attorney Chris Line wrote to Superintendent Clifford Garnto, who responded that the situation had been managed. “We have addressed the concern with the employee and staff. Our employee’s job is to teach the Georgia Standards of Excellence. This has been clarified and reinforced,” he wrote.

Freedom From Religion Foundation