No more prayers before S.C. district games (January/February 2024)

The Kershaw County School District in Camden, S.C., will no longer be broadcasting prayers before football games.

A concerned community member reported that the district had been imposing prayer on students, parents and community members before its football games. Reportedly, on Oct. 6, 2023, a preacher from a local church delivered a Christian prayer over the loudspeaker before a football game at North Central High School. The prayer was delivered ā€œin Jesusā€™ nameā€ and made requests to ā€œour Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.ā€ The complainant was an atheist and felt alienated by this official school-sponsored Christian prayer.

ā€œThe Supreme Court has specifically struck down invocations given over the loudspeaker at public school athletic events, even when student-led,ā€ FFRF Staff Attorney Chris Line wrote to Superintendent J. Harrison Goodwin.

In response, FFRF received an email from legal representative for the district, John Reagle. ā€œIt appears that the prayer at issue was not consistent with the district policy regarding messages at athletic events,ā€ Reagle wrote. Reagle thanked FFRF for the continued interest in the rights of students and families.

Freedom From Religion Foundation