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FFRF ends promotion of Ala. church events (October 2023)

FFRF was able to get the Alabama-based Dale County Schools to stop promoting events sponsored by local churches.

A concerned district community member reported that South Dale Middle school appeared to be organizing and sponsoring a prayer walk event on Aug. 6. It had previously promoted a similar event at a local high school on July 31. The school additionally promoted a religious event taking place at Free Will Baptist Church on its official Facebook page.

“The district must cease organizing, promoting and encouraging attendance at religious events,” FFRF Staff Attorney Chris Line wrote to Superintendent Benjamin Baker.

Baker responded to FFRF with a letter describing the school system’s response to the request. He wrote that the school districts were not organizing these events, but assured that promotion of events held by outside organizations would be ending. “I have placed this topic on the administrative meeting agenda to make sure all building level administrators across the district are informed of proper procedures in using school social media to notify the public of events that are not school related,” he wrote.

Freedom From Religion Foundation