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Religious promotion through podcast ends (August 2023)

The “Tiger Talk” podcast, the official podcast of Northeast Mississippi Community College, will be free from future references to religion after FFRF wrote a letter to the college president.

A member of the community reported that during the closing of the Dec. 7, 2022, episode, the president urged students and staff “not to forget the reason [for the season] and of course that’s the birth of our savior Jesus Christ. I want everybody to remember that.” The podcast is used to keep students and staff informed about new programming and partnerships at the college.

“We ask that in the future, you and other college employees refrain from engaging in religious promotion when acting in your official capacities,” FFRF Equal Justice Works Fellow Kat Grant wrote.

Legal Counsel Daniel K. Tucker responded with a letter, stating that after discussing the matter with the president, he was informed that the president merely got “caught up in the season” and apologized to any who were offended. He assured that the situation would not happen again.

Freedom From Religion Foundation