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Religious group nixed from Tennessee district (January 5, 2023)

Proselytization of students in Rogersville, Tenn., was put to an end, thanks to FFRF.

A community member of the district reported that Hawkins County Schools allowed an evangelical Christian group to speak to students at various schools in the district throughout the day to encourage attendance at a religious event — the Upper East Tennessee Go Tell Crusade. The group posted about it on Facebook, thanking principals and superintendents of the county for allowing them to speak at HCS schools.

FFRF Legal Fellow Sammi Lawrence wrote to Director of Schools Matt Hixson, who emailed explaining that, as the group met all requirements on the facility use form, they were allowed to use school buildings for events. However, he wrote, “I have ceased any and all relations with this group (Go Tell), as well as any other religious group (no other group previously sought such use and access, nor have any other organizations sought such access since.”


Freedom From Religion Foundation