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Prayer poster removed from Florida post office (February 14, 2022)

FFRF intervened after a report from a Palm Beach County, Fla., resident showed that the local post office contained a lengthy Christian prayer posted for public view. The resident also reported that when the issue was brought up to management, the response allegedly was, “No Jews have ever complained, so it’s OK.”

In a letter to West Palm Beach Tax Collector Anne Gannon, FFRF Staff Attorney Chris Line wrote, “We write to ask that the county remove this religious sign from county property in recognition that it represents an unconstitutional endorsement of religion over nonreligion.”

FFRF also noted that the Palm Beach County Tax Collector serves all citizens regardless of belief or nonbelief, and such a posted prayer turns non-Christians into outsiders.

The general counsel for Gannon let FFRF know that the posted prayer had been removed.

Freedom From Religion Foundation