School-sponsored prayer ended in Oklahoma (May 18, 2020)

Guthrie Public Schools officials have taken measures to ensure school-sponsored prayer will not continue in its schools.

A district parent alerted FFRF that an official Guthrie Junior High event opened with a prayer that was scheduled as part of the event and appeared on the program.

FFRF Staff Attorney Chris Line wrote to the districtā€™s attorney and asked that the district make certain scheduled prayer is not a part of future events.

The districtā€™s attorney informed FFRF in a letter of response that ā€œthis matter has been addressed by the highest levels of district administration and that the district will redouble its efforts not to allow prayers to be a scheduled part of any school-sponsored event. Further, the superintendent will address this issue with administrative personnel at an upcoming administrative staff meeting.ā€

Freedom From Religion Foundation